
Showing posts from January, 2020

Chinese New Year

This week the children learnt all about the Chinese New Year . We started the week celebrating  Chinese New Year with a special lunch menu with  noodles. The children listened to the story "The Great Race" in which the Chinese Emperor encouraged the 12 animals to have a race, as a result each animal had a year named after them. This year it is the Year of the Rat. The role play area has become a Chinese Restaurant and the classroom has been decorated with Chinese lanterns... Using the tweezers to pick up the phase 3 diagrams amongst the   noodles!!! Mark making with chopsticks... Chinese water writing on our welly wa!k and some mud writing! ....

Billy Goats Gruff

The children enjoyed acting out the story this week and trip trapped over the bridge. In the garden the children made their own bridges using natural materials and tested the strength by putting sticks, stones and even themselves ! In Pe the children continued their gymnastics work travelling in different body, pin and pike shapes. They explored climbing on the large apparatus.

Our Welly Walks !!!

Every Friday the reception children go on welly walks and explore the school grounds. They enjoy looking at the changing seasons. This term we have been building dens for all sorts of animals. It is a great way for the children to be cooperative in small group work and it develops their observation and questioning skills.

Happy New Year

Welcome back to the new decade ! Reception have started the term reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have enjoyed playing with different sized porridge bowls and sitting in different sized chairs. Lots of fantastic role play with some great bear voices! T he children drew some pencil drawings of bears and then as the brown paint was lost ! had to think how to mix a brown colour! In maths we have been adding numbers together, using pegs, bears and even scoops of porridge!