
Showing posts from December, 2019

A Wriggly Nativity

All the children shone with confidence during our Wriggly Nativity performances.  It throughly enjoyed by children, parents and staff.  Well done Poppies and Daisies!!!

RE: Celebrating Birth

The children having been thinking about when they were a baby.  What did they look like?  What could they do?  What did they need?  How was their birth celebrated? They e njoyed looking at baby pictures of themselves and making comparisons with their friends.  Having two babies visit our setting was fantastic!!! We enjoyed meeting Daisy's baby sister and Miss. Draper's new daughter.  The children asked questions such as ho heavy was she?  Did she have hair when she was born?  What is her favourite toy? The children were very interested in the Story of the First Christmas and enjoyed making cards to celebrate Jesus birth.

Aliens love Underpants

The reception children have enjoyed the Aliens this week. They have been designing and naming their own aliens. Their knowledge of phase 2 sounds is increasing rapidly and the children are getting really good at blending sounds together making some nonsense (alien) words too! In maths the children have been measuring and seeing which containers hold more rocket fuel. They have also been working out which box would hold more crackers for baby bear to take to the moon.