RE Week - Jesus as a Storyteller

Key Concept: Learning from Stories

The children have already enjoyed learning through traditional tales this half term.

The children spoke about their favourite stories. They had a 'Big Read' day, coming into school with their favourite story and dressed in their pyjamas.  The children shared their favourite books with their friends and teachers became the story teller and shared their favourite stories with the children.  We also invited parents into school to share stories with their children whilst enjoying hot chocolate and cookies.

We listened to the stories The boy who cried wolf, The hare and the tortoise and The three little pigs.  We discussed what we could learn from the story and what messages they were giving us.

We discussed how Jesus was a famous story teller and that his stories gave important messages to the people that heard them.  We shared The Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10), The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10 - 14 / Luke 15:3 - 7), The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), The Wise Man and The Foolish Man (Matthew 7:24-27 / Luke 6.46-49).

After telling all the stories the children thought about if it was helpful for Jesus to tell stories to help people to learn things.


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