
Showing posts from September, 2019

Autumn Phonics

This week we have started our phonics sessions and have learnt our first 5 sounds. Sound books have been sent home so the children can share their learning. Have a look at You Tube at the jolly phonics songs. We have enjoyed tummy time, write dance and lots of physical development. The children have been  looking at some Autumn things on their welly walk.

This is me

The children have been sharing their All About Me boxes with their friends and the grown ups in the class. It has been a great week getting to know everyone ! The children know the Pennington Promise and have all been practising it.

The First Week in Poppies!

All the Reception children have started in Poppies and they are enjoying the classroom. There are lots of new friendships being made. The children are learning the Pennington Promise and exploring their learning environment.

Welcome to Poppies!

We are looking forward to welcoming you all this week. The classroom is set up and ready! The book area.. Dinosaur small world.... The role play area... Construction area... Classroom area.